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Photo of the Day |
Morning Drive
(Marka, Grant & Andrea)
Lion (2 Jacaranda Sub-Adults) / De Luca – Argyle Road
Buffalo (Daghaboy) / Vielmeter – Steep Shlaralumi
Elephant (Breeding Herd) / Argyle – Crossing below Argyle –
Western Sohebele
Afternoon Drive
(Marka, Grant & Andrea)
Lion (2 Jacaranda Sub-Adults) / Argyle Road – opposite
Ingwelala entrance
Elephant (Breeding Herd) / Argyle – Argyle Dam
Elephant (Kambaku) / Vielmeter – Elephant Dam
Buffalo (Daghaboy) / Argyle – Madache Dam
Buffalo (Daghaboy) / Jaydee – Jaydee River Road
Buffalo (Daghaboy) / Peru – Giraffe Kill
Ingwe (Male) / Vielmeter – Lucky’s Road
Needing to find zebra, I headed straight to
Karans where we usually find a herd on the open grass area. Luckily they were
there, along with a solitary male wildebeest and a herd of impala. We watched
them as the sun rose.
Marka’s lion luck continued and he called in two
sub-adults on the radio. As we arrived though, they had headed into very thick
mopane (seems to be a trend here!) and I repositioned the car to the best
possible spot, and were viewed their heads popping out of the thick grass. The
two lion were very sleepy and you could see their heads slowly nodding as the
heat of the day began to creep in.
Moving towards Peru, we found a beautiful group
of giraffe out in the open, with waterbuck, kudu and impala nearby. It was
quite a scene and I sat wishing for a wide-angles lens to try to capture them
all! En route back to camp, just as we were about to pass the crossing below
Aryle, a group of elephants blocked our way as they drank in the river. It was
a pleasant surprise and we watched them until the crossing was open and we
could pass. Grant responded to the herd, and as he rounded the corner, found
that the herd had been split when I viewed them and in reality it was a massive
herd of 50 plus elephants. Incredible!He also radioed to let me know that there were Zebra on our
airstrip so to top things off I did a little loop to view the small herd to the
delight of my guests! 3/3, Phew!
With new guests having arrived this afternoon,
it was back to square one again. We started by checking the area just off the
tar road where we had seen the lion sub-adults in the morning. With no luck,
and a few tentative moments as the Landy began to sink in thick sand, we turned
and headed back towards Argyle Dam where a large herd of elephant had been
seen. It was a beautiful sighting with some tiny babies, no more than a few
months old. There was a lot of interaction between the elephants and there is
nothing more awe striking than sitting in amongst an enormous herd while they
feed around you and communicate with each other through deep rumbles. As we sat
enjoying the elephant, Dave radioed to let us know that he had been informed of
the two sub-adult lion who had now been spotted about 300m further west from
where we had just checked.
Although slightly frustrated at this, we turned
once more and headed exactly back to where we had come from. Just off the tar
road were the two lion, who eventually sauntered onto the road, and continued
to walk west. They got a huge fright when a human appeared on foot from
Ingwelala, and this caused them to bolt off into the bush where they then lay
down revealing only two ears popping out from the grass. It was already quite
dark by the time we left the lion and after a quick drinks stop we headed home
via De Luca. It was a rather slow trip home as what seemed to be every nightjar
in the Timbavati had taken rest on my chosen path!
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