Sunday 3 February 2013

3rd Jan Sightings

Sohebele male

Morning Drive
(Marka, Herold, Giyani & Shadrack)

Leopard (Argyle Jnr’s boy) / Argyle – Crossing below Argyle
Leopard (Argyle Jnr’s girl) / Motswari – Southern end of airstrip
Buffalo (8 Daghaboys) / Motswari – Airstrip Road
Elephant (1 Kambaku) / Karans – Western Cutline

Afternoon Drive
(Herold, Marka & Giyani & Shadrack)

x 3 Rhino
Elephant (breeding herd) / Peru – Madache Pan
Elephant (breeding herd) / Mbali – False Marula
Elephant (breeding herd) / Peru – Giraffe Kill
Elephant (x1 bull) / Java – Western Cutline
Elephant (x1 bull) / Peru – Motswari – Sean’s Clearing
Buffalo (6 Daghaboys) / Peru – Umfene Crossing


  1. SOOOOOOOOOOO sad not to see pictures and read the commentary. Hope and pray that they re-appear soon so we too may share in your vision and your dream.Keep up the good work at Motswari... I find it very difficult to live without my daily visual and commentary "fix".Thanks for all your effort and hard work we really appreciate it but seldom express our thanks. Thank you Motswari

  2. and i guess its actually february, not january?
